TEA VILLA Luxury Resort

Dhaka, Wednesday   26 March 2025

Staff Reporter

Published: 00:20, 4 June 2023

Sharif elected member of Waterkeeper Alliance’s council board

Sharif Jamil, coordinator of Waterkeepers Bangladesh and Buriganga Riverkeeper; has been elected unopposed for the fourth time as a member of the council board of the Waterkeeper Alliance, a US-based worldwide network of environmental organizations.

The election was held on June 1. Sharif Jamil will represent the Asia region for the next three years at the global policy-making council, founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The Waterkeeper Alliance has been working to protect the environment in 47 countries for more than two decades.

Apart from Sharif Jamil, Khowai River Waterkeeper Tofazzal Sohel, Surma River Waterkeeper Abdul Karim Chowdhury Kim, Pashur River Waterkeeper Nur Alam Sheikh and Ibnul Sayed Rana is working for Old Brahmaputra River as members of the Waterkeeper Alliance in Bangladesh.

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