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Published: 11:41, 22 June 2023

Enayetullah Abbasi may be banned in UK!

Enayetullah Abbasi may be banned in the UK after Delawar Hossain Saeedi, Zakir Naik, Mizanur Rahman Azhari.

Islamic speaker Dr. is currently in London to attend the Islamic conference at the invitation of UK-based Bengali television channel i on TV. Enayetullah Abbasi. Abbasi's visit to the UK has suddenly prompted a demand to ban him in a mainstream media outlet in Britain.

Nigel Farage, the former Ukip leader and the widely discussed name of Britain's Brexit, brought the issue to the fore on the GB News television channel. There, Taliban leader Osama bin Laden criticized the Home Office for allowing Abbasi to enter Britain, citing Enayatullah Abbasi's statement on Mullah Omar's behalf. Charlie Peter, the journalist who produced this investigative report, was also invited there. Charlie noted there, how Abbasi referred to the Queen of Britain as the devil in his speech, and made comments about different religions.

Charlie said they have contacted the host television channel I Own TV and the owner of the venue in Birmingham. Both television authorities and hall authorities told GV TV that they had no idea about Enayetullah Abbasi's hate speech. They are not aware of this.

There he mentioned, Zakir Naik, Mizanur Rahman Azhari have been banned in UK in the past days, how can a speaker like Enayetullah Abbasi get a chance to enter there?

As this report was aired in GB News, a discussion has also started in the Bengali community. The GB News program aired during the first program in Birmingham on June 20 A participant in the event said that instead of 6 in the evening, Abbasi arrived at the venue at 9 pm. And earlier a team from Midland Police went there to speak to many people, causing many spectators to leave the event venue. An Indian portal has also published news about it, it is mentioned that Bangladeshi Islamist clerics, who want to kill Ahmadiyyas, want to occupy Hindu lands, want to invade India, are now spreading extremism in the UK, in the article with the video of Enayatullah's controversial statements. has been promoted.

There are also writings on social media demanding the banning of Abbasi, canceling events organized in other cities of Britain including London.

It should be noted that Newham Council authorities have confirmed that the event announced at London's Royal Regency Hall on Thursday, June 22 has been cancelled. On the other hand, I ON TV said in a special announcement that the program has been postponed due to security reasons.

To know about this, the organizer tried to contact Ataullah Farooq by phone, but he did not pick up the phone.

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