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Eye News Desk

Published: 13:43, 21 August 2023

43rd BCS: Viva voce from first week of September

The results of 43rd Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) written examination were published yesterday, Sunday. 

Candidates who have passed the written exams await viva voce now. This viva voce will begin in the first week of September.  Sources at the Public Service Commission (PSC) have disclosed this information.

PSC officials said the viva voce was scheduled to begin from 1 September. But, since 1 and 2 Septembers are weekend, the viva voce will commence on 3 September, Sunday.  Detailed schedule of the viva voce would soon be published on dailies as well as PSC and the commission’s websites.

According to the 43rd BCS written test results published yesterday (Sunday), total 9,841 candidates have passed the written exams. The PSC started the written exam in July last year. The preliminary tests of the 43rd BCS were held at different exam centres in Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh on 29 October, 2021. 

The results of the 43rd BCS preliminary test were published on 20 January last year. Some 15,229 candidates passed the preliminary exam.

The circular for the 43rd BCS says some 1,814 officials will be recruited under different cadres through this BCS. Of them, 300 will be recruited in administrative cadre, 100 in police cadre, 25 in foreign affairs, 843 in education, 35 in audit, 22 in information, 19 in income tax, 14 in customs and 19 will be recruited in the cooperative cadre.

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