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Dhaka, Saturday   29 March 2025

Eye News Desk

Published: 13:40, 11 April 2023

Bengali New Year is organized for the first time in Times Square

For the first time in New York's Times Square, an initiative has been taken to celebrate Paola Baisakh in Shatakantha. Bangla New Year will be welcomed with various events on Friday. New York City Mayor Eric Adams will inaugurate the colorful Mars procession and Boishakhi fair at Diversity Plaza in Jackson Heights on Saturday. Renowned artists from Bangladesh and West Bengal of India will participate in these events.

This announcement was made by the organizing organization NRB Worldwide in the fifth exercise of Shatakantha Barshavaran. President of the organization Biswajit Saha made this announcement in front of more than 150 cultured people who were celebrating the New Year in Shatakantha at 'Nepali Banchaghar' restaurant in Jackson Heights area last Sunday.

Biswajit Saha said that famous dancer Laila Hasan from Bangladesh, Rabindra composer Rezwana Chowdhury Banya, Kamalini Mukhopadhyay and Nandana Dev Sen from West Bengal will participate in the celebrations. Biswajit Saha said that the new year will be welcomed with the sunrise of Paila Baisakh through the 15 songs rehearsed by more than 150 cultured people for five long months. This festival will continue from dawn to eight in the morning. the

Ramnar Botmool's annual event will be held Saturday at Diversity Plaza in Jackson Heights. New York City Mayor Eric Adams will inaugurate the March procession that day. Contemporary Bengali cultural performances will continue from 7 am to 10 pm continuously.

At the announcement ceremony, journalist and poet Darpan Kabir said that Bengali New Year celebration is a festival of Bengali culture. Everyone should participate in this New Year festival to introduce the new generation to the traditional Bengali culture.

Syed Zakir Ahmed, the organizer of Ganajagran Manch, said that there were many obstacles around the Bengali festival before, it still is, and it will be in the future! Ignoring those, those who hold Bengali culture in their heart, will participate in this event.

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