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Eye News Desk

Published: 12:54, 10 May 2023

Harmful effects of listening to music over earphones

Nowadays, headphones are one of the companions of many people. Because listening to loud music or something else can disturb the work of many people around. That's why headphones are now the go-to companion for self-listening. Hence the trend of using headphones or earphones has increased everywhere from travel to office.

Do you have headphones or earphones in your bag? Through it, listening to music or joining an urgent office meeting, everything is done. But using these headphones for a long time may not be beneficial for you. You need to know how harmful headphones are for your ears. Long-term use of it has harmful effects on the brain. Find out what the damage can be-

Nowadays, headphones are one of the companions of many people. Because listening to loud music or something else can disturb the work of many people around. That's why headphones are now the go-to companion for self-listening. Hence the trend of using headphones or earphones has increased everywhere from travel to office.
Before using earphones or headphones, you must think about your health and then use them. Be careful if after listening to music for a long time, strange sounds resonate in the ears and cause ear pain. This may be a sign of chronic hearing loss. If the sound we hear is 90 decibels or more, then this type of problem occurs if the sound directly hits the ear.

Negative effects on the mind
When headphones or earphones are used, they generate electromagnetic waves. So if this device is used for a long time it can have a very negative effect on the brain. So if you need to use headphones or earphones, use caution at other times. Avoid using headphones unless necessary.

Nowadays, headphones are one of the companions of many people. Because listening to loud music or something else can disturb the work of many people around. That's why headphones are now the go-to companion for self-listening. Hence the trend of using headphones or earphones has increased everywhere from travel to office.
Electromagnetic waves generated by headphones cause brain damage as well as hearing problems. Besides, there are many people who share headphones with others. In this case bacteria and germs pass from one person to another through the earphone sponge. As a result, the fear of ear infection increases. So avoid such practices.

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