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Benefits of eating watermelon at Iftar

Juicy fruit is watermelon. There is no match for this fruit to add life to the hot season. The month of Ramadan is going on. Fasting all day naturally makes us thirsty. Dehydration can also occur in the body. Eat watermelon to avoid such problems. Since there is not enough time to eat fruit at Sahri, you can keep this fruit for Iftar or after Iftar. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, this fruit will keep you fresh even during fasting.
Heart will keep well
Watermelon contains a special type of amino acid called citrulline. This amino acid helps in normal blood circulation. It also reduces blood pressure. Due to which the heart is healthy. Watermelon also contains lycopene. Various studies have shown that this ingredient works to reduce the risk of heart attack. Apart from eating watermelon, good habits like not eating saturated fat, stop smoking should also be developed. It will be good for the heart.
Keeps joints healthy
Watermelon contains a natural pigment called beta cryptoxanthin. This ingredient works to relieve arthritis. Various studies have shown that this ingredient works in the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis. People suffering from joint pain will benefit from consuming this fruit regularly. Drinking watermelon juice will also get benefits.
Good for the eyes
Watermelon works to keep eyes healthy. A large slice of watermelon can provide about 9-11 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A. This vitamin is very effective in curing various eye problems. Watermelon also contains minerals. That is why it plays a major role in preventing various eye diseases. So keep watermelon in Iftar arrangement.
Eliminates water shortage
A lot of water is lost from the body due to sweating in summer. It is not possible to make up for that deficiency during the day in fasting. In such a situation, you can keep watermelon in Iftar. It will cool down the body, and will also eliminate the deficiency in the body. But note that watermelon is not a substitute for water. So drink enough water after iftar.
Keeps skin healthy
Watermelon also helps in keeping the skin healthy. This juicy fruit contains vitamins A, B6, C. These vitamins help in smoothing the skin. So put watermelon in the iftar dish. You can also use a pack made of watermelon on your face. It will increase the brightness of the skin.
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