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Eye News Desk

Published: 13:30, 13 March 2023

These 5 home remedies will remove the smell of sweat

Sweating is a very normal thing in the human body. However, due to the stench caused by it, many people have to fall into irony. This bad smell is felt due to the oily secretion from the special glands under the skin. The stench of sweat makes us all uncomfortable. But if it is severe, you must go to the doctor. Many people use different deodorants or perfumes to get rid of it. But it may not always be effective. 5 domestic ways to get rid of it can change the ironic situation.

Baking soda is very useful in eliminating sweat odor. It can be used like talcum powder. If you have foot or underarm odor, apply it and leave it for a while. Then wipe it off with a wet wipe. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water. Now spray it like perfume. It can also be sprayed on the feet if desired. It will eliminate the problem of bad smell.

Lemon is unmatched for eliminating sweat odor. Cut a lemon and mix half its juice with water and apply it on your underarm. A paste can also be made by mixing corn starch and lemon juice. Apply to hands, feet, underarms or all over body. Leave it like this for 10 minutes after application. After that take bath. It will keep you fresh throughout the day and there will be no smell.

Tomatoes are very useful in removing the bad smell of sweat. Juice two to three tomatoes and pour them into a bucket. Now use that water for bathing. If the hands and feet smell bad, then soak the hands and feet in this water for 30 minutes. According to experts, it has antiseptic properties, which help destroy any odor-causing bacteria.

Vinegar can also be used to remove body odor. Gently dab vinegar on a cotton pad and apply to the sweaty area. It will balance the pH of the skin and kill bacteria. As a result, the problem of bad smell will also be removed.

Green also plays a great role in removing the bad smell of sweat. Heat water in a pan. Now boil it with green tea leaves. When it boils, turn off the gas and let it cool. Now dip a cotton ball in the tea leaves and apply it on the body. Rub it where there is excess sweat. Will work like magic.

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