TEA VILLA Luxury Resort

Dhaka, Sunday   23 February 2025

Imran Al Mamun

Published: 16:12, 20 March 2023

Internet of things examples in daily life

Through our today's article you will know about Internet of Things (IOT). If you don't know about the use of internet in this age of technology. Then you are missing many important information from your life. Currently one of the latest technology news is IOT. Because everywhere its use has given people a better life.

Leaving the house, going shopping somewhere, or keeping track of goods, all these are done in this way. Because adopting the method has made people's life easy and beautiful. If you have an idea about this then you can also make your life more beautiful. Also, you are getting a chance to build your own career on this platform. the

We will know everything through today's article

  • What is IoT?
  • How IoT works
  • Uses of IOT

What is the Internet of things examples in daily life ?

Internet of Things which is abbreviated as IOT. Basically the Internet of Things is the idea of connecting or controlling any device or device with other devices using the Internet. If you pay attention, you will see that there are many of these methods around us. Such as withdrawal of money from mobile through ATM, payment through card in shopping, control of CC camera etc. Through this, one device is connected to another device creating a huge mesh-like network. Through this it is possible to do product transaction manually or data transaction through internet.

IOT is mostly used in smart home. Such as voice control system, cc camera, robotic vacuum cleaner etc. But the most modern use is self-driving cars. Sometimes the car continues on its own command even when the driver falls asleep. Not only that, currently Internet of Things has been used in Qatar World Cup. Now the question may be how it is used here. A special type of sensor has been installed inside the football. Through which the position and movement of the ball can be observed. The latest updated technologies in the history of football world cup have been done through it.

How IoT works
Basically it works through the sensors attached to the device. However, the sensors differ depending on the device. Sensors transfer data from one device to another. Then this data is shared on the IoT platform. The next step is very important. In this step the data is analyzed and action is taken. You can learn more about such things in the Internet of Things journals. Think you will buy a part of a car. It may be the seat or the car glass. Now you have no idea about that. Then you can know more about it using IOT. Basically this process is done through a special type of sensor and internet connection. Using the medium connected to the Internet connection enables the device to be connected to many remote locations. And its limitations remain when sensor-based devices are used.

Internet of Things examples in daily life  and Benefits

This technology is now being used in all activities starting from home. In the near future it will spread all over the world very quickly. The use of this modern technology is increasing in most of the jobs in our country now. Now there may be question how they are used let's see.

Suppose for some reason you did not sleep at night. Meanwhile, you have to drive the car in the morning. Driving the car, it started raining again. So you can't increase the speed of the car accordingly. If you are using a vehicle that uses IoT technology. Then you don't have to worry about it. You can fall asleep inside the car and the car will help you reach your office. Besides, the vehicle will proceed according to the weather and other conditions.

Again, entering the office and attending the office through your ID card is also a use of IoT. Some places also have card punching system for security. No one can enter unless the card is punched there. I am giving you a little more idea to know what is Internet of Things instruction. You have money in mobile banking now want to withdraw dollars from any ATM booth. Now going there and withdrawing dollars through mobile verification with required information is a kind of IOT usage. The CCTV cameras that we use at home or office are also covered.

The current world will gradually become more dependent on this technology. The things that people are still doing manually will one day be handed over to this technology. This will make our life easier and better. But I hope that through today's article you have come to know about Internet of Themes and its benefits.