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Eye News Desk

Published: 12:15, 25 March 2023

How much water to drink to keep the skin good?

Surely you know the importance of drinking water for the health of the body? Drinking enough water is also necessary to keep the skin healthy. Dehydration or lack of water also affects the skin. Then the skin becomes lifeless. Experts advise every adult to drink enough water.

According to doctors, 60 percent of the adult human body is water. According to the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and heart are 73 percent water. Lungs are 83 percent water. The skin contains 64 percent water. Kidneys are also 79 percent water. Water can even be found in bones. The amount of which is 31 percent.

Benefits of water

* Helps maintain body temperature.

* Removes toxins from the body.

* Works to keep the bone joint in place.

* Retains skin moisture.

* Reduces fatigue.

* Helps in digestion.

Deficiency of water damages the skin

* Skin becomes dry.

* Irritates the skin.

* The appearance of aging quickly.

* Inflammation occurs.

* Itching and rash may occur.

* Skin loses its natural glow.

* Wrinkles increase.

How much water do you need to drink to keep your skin healthy?
As suggested by The National Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, every adult male should drink 3.7 liters of water a day. In this case, adult women need to drink at least 2.7 liters of water. Instead of water, you can also consume other nutritious liquids. Drinking water regularly like this will keep your skin healthy. However, if you have heart or kidney problems, then consult your doctor about the amount of water to drink.

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