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Published: 13:58, 30 March 2023

Don`t do the 5 things while fasting

The routine of Ramadan is different from other times of the year. Devout Muslims refrain from eating and drinking throughout the day. Since we spend a large part of the day preparing and eating food, that routine changes during the month of Ramadan. It is normal for the body to be a bit weak due to not eating all day. While fasting, many people do things without realizing it, which can actually cause harm to the body. Let's find out which 5 things you should refrain from doing while fasting to keep yourself healthy-

Exercising is beneficial and necessary for the body. But do not exercise while fasting. Because as a result of exercise, sweat comes out of our body. Because of which the body gets tired. Experts suggest drinking different types of healthy drinks after exercise. But since it is not possible to eat anything while fasting, physical exercise should be avoided during this time. Otherwise the body will become more tired. Fasting will then become difficult. You may even get sick.

Cook for a long time
Many people do this while fasting. Especially women. They are very busy organizing iftar and sahri. They became Kahil while putting the iftar on the bahari pada table. As Ramadan is a month of moderation, bring moderation in the food list as well. Keep some nutritious and healthy food. Don't waste food. Also avoid deep fried and extra spicy food as much as possible. If you fast and spend a long time in the heat next to the stove, your body will sweat more and become more tired. So reduce the cooking time to keep yourself healthy.

Shopping all day long
Eid comes after fasting. And Eid means shopping for everyone. Many people spend the whole day going to and from this shop while doing this shopping. Your body is already somewhat weak due to fasting. Moreover, it is normal to get more tired while shopping around like this. So avoid the habit of excessive shopping during this time. Buy as much as you need. Make a list first without rushing like this. Then buy one accordingly. If you spend the whole day shopping during fasting, you can get sick.

Excessive sleep
Many people fast and spend the whole day sleeping. Remember, this is not a good practice. Excessive sleep can cause many problems in the body. Also, religiously, sleeping after fasting is not considered good. So avoid oversleeping. After getting enough sleep, spend the remaining time on other activities. Sleeping for a long time will make the body more tired. Experts say that seven to eight hours of sleep per day is sufficient for an adult.

Sitting continuously
This habit is seen in many people because of being tired during fasting. If you are sitting somewhere, you are sitting. Many types of problems can arise in the body due to this habit. If the body does not move for a long time, it can cause blood circulation problems. Many people suffer from back problems due to their sitting posture. So, even if you feel tired after fasting, take a short walk every now and then. Sitting continuously in one place will only increase the problem.