ইমরান আল মামুন
আপডেট: ০৯:৩৮, ১৬ মার্চ ২০২৩
American history topics

In today's article, I will briefly outline the history of America's economy, politics, and its creation tried America's history is rich. However, there are some scandalous incidents.
United state of America which is known as United States in Bengali. Abbreviated as US or USA. America 50 A federal republic composed of states. Out of which 48 are isolated states. The other two are:
1. The state of Alaska is located in the northwest corner.
2. Island states are located in the central and Pacific oceans.
America is the fourth largest country in the world by area (after Russia, Canada and China). The national capital of the country is Washington. Which was established in 1970. It is unique in American history establishment.
In terms of geographical location, America refers to the mainland of the United States. Russia, Cuba, Bahamas along with the country and has a maritime border with Canada.
In terms of size, America is almost equal to China. As the size is quite large, the culture of this country is quite diverse. the world
The country is also strong in politics.
American Government and the Economy:
Citizens above 18 years of age can vote in America as in Bangladesh. Four years after the presidential election held after. The President runs the country from his DC residence located in the capital city of Washington. The name of the American Parliament is Congress. It has two rooms. One of the chambers is called the Senate and another room is called the House of Representatives. Let's say the name of the Parliament of Bangladesh is Jatiya Sangsad and it is One room.
Congress has a total of 100 senators. 2 senators from each of the 50 states are elected for six-year terms. We have all heard the name of former President Barack Obama. He was the first president in American history to be originally.African descent and black. He was elected president twice in 2008 and 2012.
American History:
For many years the tribals lived over a vast area. Which later became the United States. Early 16th century these indigenous people came here from Europe. They displaced the local tribals here. Since then he started living here permanently.
In the 18th century these settlers fought for their independence from Britain. Then they are a new one writes the constitution. It forms a union with many states based on the constitution. Which later in the United States takes shape And the history of America begins to be written from here.
This nation was relatively young and very independent. Who easily spread their rule to the west started doing they declared themselves independent from Britain on 4 July 1976. Since then it has slowly become a global turned into power.
Let me share with you an interesting fact about the American flag. Which is significant in American history Case in point. The current flag of America was designed by a 17-year-old boy. It happened in 1958 and there were only 48 states then.
In a high school project, the boy designed the flag and submitted it to his teacher. Although his teacher dislikes it
by doing He then submitted his design to the White House. Later that design from the White House the flag itself is declared as the national flag.
History of Slaves in America:
It is bitterly true that if you look at the history of America, it can be seen that slavery was practiced in the country for many years.
As early as 1619, over a million African slaves were brought to America by boat. to whom
It was sold in various American ports.
In 1860 there were about 4 million slaves living in that country. By giving them free sugar, tole and tobacco industry work was done. President Abraham Lincoln wanted to end slavery for many years. But the class of people who worked with slaves always opposed the opinion.
In April 1861, a civil war broke out and essentially ended slavery in America. this slavery existed for about 250 years. Racism in America is not over yet. the former those descendants of slaves are still fighting for equality. That is, from American history entirely
Not erased, remains as a practice of apartheid.
Entrepreneurship and industrialization and millions of resident workers and farmers flocked to the country. 1890 to 1920 Drishti fights against corruption to the extreme. Because of which in the early twentieth century the United States of the world
Become a leading industrial power. The United States declared war on Germany in 1917. the next the year supported the Allied victory.
In 1929, a decade-long Great Depression began in the United States. He was the president of America at that time
Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, he was able to overcome this Great Depression through relief and various measures.
The nuclear attack on Pearl Harbor in Japan is another tragic event in American history. After this incident
America entered world war II.
America's history has many reprehensible events, including the practice of slavery. Of course, America is rich enough today a country It has considerable role in international politics. China is America's main competitor in today's world. Some other countries may overtake America in the near future.
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