ইমরান আল মামুন
আপডেট: ১৭:৩৯, ১৬ মার্চ ২০২৩
American culture and lifestyle

American culture and lifestyle refers to the prevailing customs and traditions of the United States. Americans in all respects always at the center of discussion. What is more interesting is that most of the norms of civilized society are taken from American culture. America or the United States is the third largest country in the world. Its population is about 33 crore 19 lakh.
Also we can say that America is home to people from all over the world. At one age, everyone has a dream in America to live permanently. Because their standard of living is very advanced and prosperous. In today's post I am from America, I will discuss about culture. Their culture is so diverse that you will be somewhat surprised.
Key Concepts of American Culture:
Americans are taught from a young age to be self-sufficient and independent. So that a person owns a beautiful future can be made through effort. The same rules are followed in the educational institutions of this country. Emphasis is placed on student independence alongside academic studies. When a student does this into real life. Then he gets enough mental strength to face all the problems. which now has become American culture and lifestyle. About 63% of the people of this country are Christians. Muslims are about 1%. Also Hindu Buddhist and others
Many religious people live there.
The United States has no official language at the federal level. However, English is considered as the national language. Of the 50 states, 28 states have passed laws with English as the official language. About 97% people in this country can speak good English. Another surprising fact is that there are more than 800 speakers in New York City alone people live Therefore, English is defined as the main language of American culture.
American Cinema:
American culture can never be imagined without Hollywood popular in today's world. The most in the world expensive movies are made from this Hollywood. The journey to Hollywood began in 1908. America's loss this movie industry based in Angeles is constantly providing us with eye-catching movies and dramas. Like the general public, actors from different countries also dream of working in Hollywood.
Science, Technology and Education:
The contribution of Americans to science and technology is undeniable. Steamboat, telegraph machine, light bulb, transistor, Atomic bomb etc. was invented by Americans. Also personal computers, online shopping systems, Americans have played a major role in the rapid development of the Internet, etc.
Great scientists like Thomas Alva Edison, Nikola Tesla or Albert Einstein were born in this country did their contribution has played the greatest role in creating the present modern world. So history if reviewed, American culture and lifestyle can be called a culture of science. Americans are also the most advanced in education. The world's most prestigious universities are located here for example:
1. Harvard University
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. Stanford University
4. Columbia University
5. University of Chicago etc
The education system of this country is completely controlled by the government. Primary and higher secondary education is for all compulsory. about 85 percent of the country's population have passed higher secondary and 27 percent are highly educated.
Social norms and etiquette:
Now we will discuss about some local customs of America. Which are both funny and a little surprising at the same time like doing. These rules have moved from people's daily habits to American culture. who knows maybe you immigrated to America at some point. Then maybe all the information can be useful.
• Don't ask personal questions: Americans generally value privacy. Weight, Age, Salary, Religion, asking questions about wealth or politics etc. is considered rude.
• Tipping correctly at restaurants: Prices of food served at restaurants in the United States no tax is attached. So you may have to pay 25% more than the menu price. And be sure to tip the waiters. This tip is a big part of their income. Usually 15 - 20% of total food cost money is ideal as a tip. This American culture and lifestyle is now followed in almost all countries.
• Pet Awareness: Almost all Americans have pets at home. And if you have these allergic to animals. So, before going to visit any house, definitely discuss it.
• Americans are very organized. Whether buying food or for any other reason. If you are standing in a line, then don't forget to try to cross or push it first. This is very unpopular with Americans. Some of these aspects of American culture show how civilized and respectful of rules they are.
• Smile is the basic signal of politeness. So always keep a smile on your face while meeting someone. It's theirs favorite thing. Moreover, while speaking, make the speech as short as possible without prolonging it. Because they are here and there wants to invest more time in work without wasting time.
American culture and lifestyle is much broader. If you write them, the text will be much larger. mentioned above apart from the subjects there are many variations in sports, social rituals, food etc. If you ever that move to the country. Then you will definitely get to know the local culture better.
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